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That Winter, The Lake Freezes

Another random post and random title that is inspired from Korean drama with similar title - That Winter, The Wind Blows. (well, I know it is NOT similar, but whatever)

Möhnesee, Soest

From the title, I would like to share about small beautiful lake located near Soest, Germany. The lake is called Möhne - or in Germany it's called Möhnesee (see = lake, in Germany) When I visited this lake in February last year, the lake was freeze because it was Winter (obviously) and the weather was as low as -18 degrees. The government also stated that the lake was completely freeze and it was safe for us if we want to ride a bike on the lake. As an Asian who has never seen snow and frozen lake before, I find it was AWESOME. Too bad I could not found bike and tried to ride it ON the lake.

The Frozen Lake

Back to our lake, Mohnesee. It is located apprx. 10 km from Soest and could be reached by bus or private car. 

The location of Mohnesee

For bus, you could take bus R49 from Soest Bahnhof (Soest train station) and stop at the last stop (I forgot the name), but according to, the bus stop is Korbecke Seestrasse. The journey will take around 30 minutes and when you have arrived in the bus stop, you have to walk straight for around 15 minutes to finally arrive in Mohnesee. 

On my way to the lake 

You could find a beautiful park with jogging track, houses and restaurant near the lake. I believe if you visit this lake in summer, this place is a great place to visit to spend your weekend. :) 

Since it was a sudden visit, I did not know what kind of activity that I could do nearby the lake except taking pictures of the beautiful view around me! 

Even though I could not find a lot of interesting thing, but I supperrr love this lake. The view is just amazing just like the one that I could only see while watching dramas. And because of my photographer-friend, it felt like my friends and I were making a photo-shoot for pictorial book. Haha 

Our sudden photo-shoot ! 

I hope you love this short random post! 


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