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Flower City Next Door

Just like what I said before, this month I will write a lot of shorties! So, here is another shorties - where the title is inspired by Korean Drama - Flower Boys Next Door. I changed the "flower boys" into "flower city" - because I want to share about the flower city located next to Reutlingen, the city where I lived in Germany. This flower city is none other than Tübingen.


Tübingen is located 15 minutes away from Reutlingen - or around 1 hour from Stuttgart with train.

Tübingen on google maps!

Actually, I had never wanted to visit Tübingen because I had never heard about this city and I could not find any interesting places there. I went to Tübingen because my friend, Joel who lives there invited me to "his city" on the weekend. He said that we could play kayak there because Tübingen is crossed by Neckar River. Since I had never played kayak before, I got excited and accepted his invitation.

The journey went so short (it's only 15 minutes!) and we went directly to the city center because the train station located 5 minutes away from the city center. Even though I was excited, but I still did not have any idea about the city - - - until I spotted this colorful building.

My friend said that the painting always re-painted with different painting every year ( or every month?). I forgot whether he mentioned what is this building or why the building is painted that way. I think I was too busy taking picture and did not hear his further explanation about this building. (sorry Joel! ha!)

We walked further and I started to feel the warm atmosphere from this city. There were a lot of flowers decorated streetlights. So beautiful!

There were also a lot of young people walking around the city. The atmosphere felt so . . . young!

No wonder why Joel always said that Tübingen is student-city - because there are a lot of students live here.

As I walked, I found myself already captivated by the beautiful view in front of me.


And this is not the best view here - because the best view of Tübingen is waiting behind those trees.


The best photo spot in Tübingen.

Joel told me that those colorful buildings are the identity of Tübingen and everyone who visits Tübingen should take a picture in front of this building. (no wonder ~)

So, I took picture as a proof that I had visited Tübingen!

I stayed for couple minutes - enjoying the view of Neckar river.

There were a lot of boats on the river and people sat there to chat, had brunch, or just took a nap. And I just remembered that I will be on the river soon - because I will play kayak there!

But, since it was the lunch time, Joel took me to "Kalender" - the best Doner in town and we ate our lunch on the river side. It is the best place to enjoy your lunch time! 

The best Doner in town + the best place to enjoy your lunch = superb lunch!

 After a great lunch - we were ready to hit the river!

We went to a house and found there were 5 kayaks! I got so excited when I saw them - I had never seen any in real life!!

We prepared ourself and started to bring the kayak to the river. Joel was very helpful and he taught us how to paddle the kayak - because I could not move forward, but remained in the same spot instead! After few minutes, I could move forward and became more excited - though I was afraid that I will fall into the river and I could not swim! (disaster) 

But, thanks God. It was a safe and fun ride and no accident occured. We paddled along the Neckar river while enjoying the garden that separated the river and of course - took pictures! 

Arun and I - excited with our first kayak-ing experience!
An hour passed and it was surprisingly tiring! (sore hand the day after!) 

Since the day was still long ~ we decided to explore the city and since it was Sunday, there was Flohmarkt (flea market).  

Cute decorations from stones and fresh organic vegetables and fruits!

We walked further and realized that we were lost. (ha!) But, we followed other people and finally we found out that we were already on the other side of the garden that separated the river. 

The garden ~
It is very greeeennn - with lots of trees lined neatly along the road. The view is similar with the scene from Winter Sonata. <3

We sat down on the river side and there was someone singing and playing music on the boat!

It turned out that there were several people on the boat and they bought and played music instruments while a woman was singing. Of course their performance caught attention and people sat down on the river side to watch them. It was another great moment for today. :)

The performance lasted for half an hour and we left the river side and walked to the other side of the river and found another wonderful views.

You could rent the boat from that green building!
 We were kayak-ing on this river a while ago!

Ah, we spotted a cafe on the river side and decided to spend some time for a glass of beer. (ups) 
I tried Apfelweis - which turned out realllyyy nice! It was a mixed of weissbier (white beer) with Apfelsaft (Apple juice). So, the taste becomes quite sweet and lighter. A glass will not make you dizzy! :p 

The time passed sooo fast and it was the time for us to go back to Reutlingen. But, before I left this beautiful city - I used the last few minutes there to took these beautiful pictures! 


Thanks for the wonderful weekend, Tübingen!


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