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All Around Europe : Grocery Stores

It is time to add another post for All Around Europe series. For today, I would like to review several grocery stores in Europe. The reviews will be based on my own Shopping O'meter scale and everything written here is based on my own experiences and opinions. :)


Shopping O'meter scale : 
The place where everything could be found, touched, felt, seen, 
and of course bought - whenever you need it, or not. :) 

Comments : 
Since Kaufland is only 5 minutes away from my office, I often do my grocery shopping here. 
The shopping area is big. 
The price is relatively low compared with others.
The quality equals to what you paid.
A suggested place to kill your boring time. 


Shopping O'meter scale : 
Emergency grocery store for those who forget that shops are closed at 6 PM in Europe. 

Comments :
I often do my grocery shopping here because this is the last grocery store that still open until 10 PM!
The shopping area is big and spacious. 
The price might be more expensive compared with others. 
The products have higher standard in quality. 
I love the paper bags and their liquors collections (eh).


Shopping O'meter scale : 
The place you will visit whenever you have to buy something on your way.

Comments : 
It is everywhere! 
The shopping area is relatively small to medium size. 
The price is - not the cheapest, nor the most expensive
Rewe's waffles ~ <3 it!


Shopping O'meter scale : 
A big competitor of Kaufland - it's good that distance keeps them apart.

Comments :
I would love to do my grocery shopping here only if Aldi is located 10 minutes away from my house.
The shopping area is from small to medium - no idea if there is a real big Aldi's shop ?
The price is tightly compete with Kaufland.
Cheap = Aldi.


Shopping O'meter scale : 
Another emergency shop whenever you forgot to buy something for weekend.

Comments : 
The second grocery shop located nearby my place.
Shopping area is from small to medium size.
The price could be a bit higher than Kaufland - though still in normal range.
My second choice after Kaufland for my grocery shopping.


Shopping O'meter scale : 
Number one for beauty and care products!

Comments : 
I always go here whenever I want to play with cosmetics, nail polish and other beauty products.
Shopping area is relatively small because it often located in the train station.
The price is cheap enough - especially for their own brand, Balea.
I love their nail polish collection for summer and the smell of Balea body lotion! <3

#7 ++

Shopping O'meter scale : 

Comments : 
I rarely go to these places, because it located quite far from my place. 
Could be a good place only if I could find them nearby.

p.s : 
Since this is my first time to review something by using scale, I hope you could enjoy it and find it interesting and informative enough! :)


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