Go Online - is the best way (for me) to gather information about travel destination, transportation system, train schedule, and many - many - many more! There are many useful websites, blogs and forum that provide various information about travelling and the most important, their own travelling experiences. I always find it interesting to read others travelling stories and wonder what my story will be if I travel to that place. Among millions travelling websites, blogs and forums, here is my - must-visit - websites whenever I am looking for some inspirations to decide my next travel destination in Europe. Hope it is useful! :) Search Engine Google! - it answers EVERYTHING! Budget Places - for cheap hotels, hostels, apartment, bed and breakfast Hostel World - another place to visit to look for cheap hotels, hostels, apartments, B&B Airbnb - if you want to meedle with locals or want to rent your room, apartment, etc Travel Guide...
One life is not enough to travel the world.