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7 Things to do in Munich

Munich or in German, München is the capital city of the largest German state, Bavaria and often called as the safest city in the whole land of Germany. So, no wonder if Munich has become one of the most famous destination city in Germany, apart from Berlin and Hamburg.

The authentic white beer Munchen, Hofbrau and boiled white sausages

In this big, modern and safe city - you should not worry to walk around the city for WHOLE day to discover a lot of interesting things in Munich. So, for you who are still wondering what kind of activities that you could do in this beautiful city - I would like to share my activity list while I traveled to Munich last year.

1. Leisure walk in old town Munich 
Old town is always be my first destination whenever I travel in a city in Europe. I always find it fascinating and every old town that I have visited always offer something undeniably beautiful and interesting. :)


In Munich, you could see the town city hall stands in the middle of the old town, or famously called Marienplatz. During holiday season, you could find a sudden-bier-garten in front of the city hall. You also could visit Frauenkirchen - Cathedral for Our Dear lady located nearby from Marienplatz.

Sudden bier-garten in the middle of old town Munich

2. Mingle with locals in Viktualienmarkt 
Viktualienmarkt is located next to the Marienplatz and a favorite daily market for locals to buy vegetables, fruits, meat, and sausages. Beside of that, you also could find locals that sell traditional ornaments, souvenirs, and flowers here.

Organic farm products always available in Viktualienmarkt

One thing that you could not miss in Viktualienmarkt - buy white sausages (weisswurst), the authentic food from Bavaria. Enjoy boiled white sausages with pretzel, sweet mustard (senf), and a glass of white beer. Yummy!

Sweet mustard, boiled white sausages, and pretzel!

There is also small bier-garten in Viktualienmarkt area - what a best place to enjoy your lunch!

Small bier-garten in Viktualienmarkt

3. Enjoy the sunny day with a glass of white beer and pretzel at Chinesischer Turm
Chinesischer turm originally is a restaurant located in English garden. This restaurant becomes famous because of its building that looks like "Pagoda" that really stands out compared with other restaurants nearby. However, that is not the reason for its fame - but because this place is the largest bier-garten in Munich and it always serves the best white beer in town (and for me, in whole Germany).

I could not believe that I did not take a SINGLE picture of the famous Chinesischer turm!
Thus, thank you google to provide me with one. 

To visit English garden, you could take U6-Garching-Hochbrück and stop at Universität or Giselastr. station. From the train station, you should take bus 154 to Arabellapark and stop at Chinesischer turm. Walk for 5 minutes and you could already spot that Pagoda-like building.

And the last tips from locals, a glass of white beer is best accompanied with pretzel, but be careful with its size! 
The largest beer glass feat the biggest pretzel I have ever bought in Germany!

4. Show your love for football (and Bayern-Munchen club) by visiting Allianz Arena 
As a fan of German national football team, of course Allianz Arena is on my top five destination list in Munich. It is one of the biggest football stadion in Europe and also the house of the famous FC Bayern Munchen. You could go to Allianz Arena by U6-Garching-Hochbrück and stop at Fröttmaning train station.

Allianz arena in the afternoon

In the afternoon, you could only spot the white colored circular building, that might look - quite unattractive (yes, for me). But, come at night and see how the night sky casts a magic to that bored-looking building.

The white is replaced with red!
Some said that the colour will change every hour. 

It is beautiful, especially during important football match - like in the Final Champion League last year.

Allianz Arena in the final night of Champion League 2012

You could take a stadion tour that is available every day - only if there is no football match or event at that moment. The schedule of stadion tour could be found here.

5. Witness the transformations of BMW through times
Munich is the hometown of the famous European car manufacturer, BMW - also the location of its museum, BMW Museum. To reach BMW Museum, you could take U3-Olympia Einkaufszentrum and stop at Olympia Zentrum.

BMW Headquarters and BMW Museum in Munich

I could not say much, since I did not visit this museum - only because I did not have enough time there. (booo) BUT, for BMW lovers, or automative maniacs, or a mere traveler with nowhere else to go - this is the place that you should visit in Munich!

Do visit their official website for more info about BMW Museum here.

6. Experience sciences and technology in Deutsches Museum
I do regret because I could not visit this museum once my friend said that this is a great museum. It is a very big museum and it could take a whole day to walk and try everything offered inside the museum! You could take U1 or U2 to Frauhofer Strasse.

Deutsches Museum

For those who are still wondering, visit their official website here

7. Get out from the city and visit . . .

  • Neuschwanstein castle
Neuschwanstein castle
I will never get bored to write about this beautiful castle. You could check my previous post about my visit to Neuschwanstein castle includes details about how to get there, buy tickets, etc here.

  • Salzburg
Salzburg old town
Oh yeah, you could visit Salzburg - which is actually a part of Austria while you travel to Munich. It only takes 2 hours journey from Munich to Salzburg by train. And again, you could read more details about this wonderful small city in previous post, here.


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