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3 Things you HAVE to DO in Venice

Versi Bahasa Indonesia : 3 Hal yang Wajib Dilakukan di Venice

Canals. Bridges. Small roads. Colorful old buildings.
Welcome to Venice . . .

Venice is a small city in the small island nearby the northest mainland of Italy. This city is so small and looks completely different than other cities in Italy. Its uniqueness lies to its canals and small roads that connect every parts of the city. 

Since there are no big roads in the city, no vehicles allowed in the city. You have to use your own feet or by boat to explore the city. Sounds fun, doesn't?

To explore and feel the uniqueness of this amazing small city, there are 3 things that you HAVE to do in Venice. So, what are these three things? 

1. Visit St. Marco's Basilica at 11.30 AM

St. Marco's Basilica is located in Piazza San Marco and the biggest church in Venice. As one of the city landmark, you can visit this church for FREE - which is a good news! 

The main entrance to St. Marco's Basilica
This church is famous with its decoration made from gold-colored-mosaic - covered the dome and wall inside the church. You can see that the mosaic works are so details and beautiful - but now, I want to share a secret to you -  to see an even more beautiful view inside the church. 

As said before, visit St. Marco at 11.30! Why it has to be at 11.30? Because it is the time when the light inside the church is turned on for 30 minutes. See it yourself, how the light change those beautiful mosaic's works!

Light turned off (left) - Light turned on (right) 

As one of the most visited place in Venice, there are always long queueing of tourists who want to enter the Basilica. Therefore, here I want to share another secret to cut the line by paying extra only for 1 Euro!

Below is the website where you can buy ticket to enter St. Marco's Basilica.
Online Ticket St. Marco's Basilica

You can choose when and what time you want to visit the Basilica in the website. Next, you have to fill in your personal details including your email (VERY IMPORTANT!) - since the ticket will be sent through email. The last step is the payment process which can be done by using credit card. When you have done all of that, the ticket will be sent to your email - print it and show it to the officer in front of the main entrance of St. Marco Basilica.

Online ticket to Basilica
To be remembered, you will be using different entrance than those who are queueing to enter the Basilica. The entrance is right beside the normal entrance. So, if you have to be in a long queue when you have bought this ticket, you are in the wrong line!

Beside St. Marco, you also can find these places nearby Piazza San Marco.

Buildings in Piazza San Marco (San Marco Square)

Beautiful boats on the side of canals behind St. Marco

2. Enjoy Sunset from Gondola

Gondola is the traditional boat from Venice and is often used by tourist to travel around Venice. The view of Venice will looks so different compared when you walk around the city by boat - especially when you sit back on the gondola to watch sunset. It is just too beautiful and stunningly amazing!

Sunset in Venice - taken from Gondola
Venice during the sunset

As one of the most touristy-thing, rent a Gondola might cost you - a lot. Fortunately, the government released the official price to rent Gondola, which has 2 prices - according to the time you rent the Gondola.

Before 6 PM, the cost to rent a Gondola is 80 Euros for 40 minutes ride.
After 6 PM, the cost to rent a Gondola is 100 Euros for 40 minutes ride.

Additional cost might be added if you ask the driver of the Gondola to sing along the journey.

The capacity of Gondola is 6 person, exclude the driver. So, it will be great if you rent the Gondola with the group so you can pay the rent together.


Do check when is the sunset time in Venice if you want to enjoy the sunset from gondola. Here is the website where you can check the Sunset time in Venice :  Sunset Time, Venice

3. GET LOST ! 

The most fun thing to do in Venice - GET LOST! Throw away your map and just believe in your feet and you might find places even more beautiful than my pictures below. :)

Another city's landmark, Rialto's bridge. 

Rialto's bridge
And don't forget to buy Venetian's masks in the souvenir shops.

Have worries of not able to find your way back home?

Road sign that can be found in every corner of the city

So, don't be afraid, you will not get lost in Venice! 


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