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All Around Europe : Döner

My all-time-favorite food in Europe : Döner !

The appetizing Doner Teller mit Pommes!
It feels funny to say that Doner is my favorite food while in Europe. Some of you might thing "WHAT?" or "HOW COME?" or maybe "She has a weird taste."

Well, you are right. There are LOTS of delicious foods here - so many cheese, bacons, sausages - but despite all of those MANY delicious European foods - I choose Döner!

Why I choose Döner? There are certain reasons for that.

1. It's cheap! 
The most common reason. Hahaha. It is the cheapest food - in the whole Europe. (Maybe to be exact, in all European countries I've visited) Usually, by spending 2 - 5 Euros you have already got a tasty Döner  Even, in Vienna, I found the cheapest Döner ever - it's only 1.50 Euros and tasted GREAT!

2. It is BIG.
Well, for me - as an Asian. One portion of Döner is equal to 2 normal meals. In the early week, I couldn't eat the whole Döner at once. I have to eat it at least twice - because it's too big. OF COURSE, it changed and as the times goes by 1 Döner is not enough for me. Hahaha.

One of the best Doner shop in Tubingen, Germany

3. Doner can be found everywhere! 
You could find Döner in train station, narrow street, city center, shopping mall, and other places! Döner is my first choice whenever I travel - most of the time.

4. Doner can be eaten while walking. 
The best option for travelers. I often buy doner whenever I change train and only have like 10 - 15 minutes left until my train departs. Döner Durum is the best choice to be eaten while travelling!

5. The unchanging taste. 
This is important - especially for you who do not like to eat weird or doubtful food. It often has similar taste - slightly salty, sweet or else. But, for me - it tastes similar no matter which country you are.

Since you have known my reason to choose Döner over others European foods - now I would like to  introduce you to the Döner family!

Here are the DONERS!

  • Doner Tasche 

The most common doner - and also the first doner I have ever tried in Europe. The sliced meat/chicken/lamb is placed on the pita bread with the salad, sauce and mayo. You could add french fries to the Doner in exchange with salad. The normal price is between 2 - 5 Euros.

Doner Tasche mit Pommes

Doner Tasche

  • Doner Teller 

This is the type of doner that is served on plate (German: teller). It consists of sliced meat/chicken/lamb with french fries and salad, sauce and mayo. For one portion of doner teller, you have to pay between 5 - 10 Euros.

Doner Teller mit Pommes

  • Doner Durum / Yufka 

This is the Doner that you usually find in Indonesia - and my favorite type of Doner. It consists of sliced meat/chicken/lamb and also salad, sauce and mayo and WRAPPED with the thin bread. Since it's wrapped like a cylinder, it is the easiest doner that can be eaten while walking. The price of Durum is between 2 - 5 Euros. Usually, it is 50 cents more expensive than Doner Tasche.

source :

  • Pom-Doner 


Or you could say as pommes-doner. Pommes means french fries in German. So, you could tell that pom-doner is the doner that is served with french fries. So, it consists of sliced meat/chicken/lamb with salad, sauce and mayo and french fries. All of these will be put inside a box. For the price is between 2 - 5 Euros.

They are the DONERS I have met in Europe. Send my greetings when you meet the DONERS in Europe.

Because I really AM craving for these doners right now!! 

(Again, it is a HUGE mistake to write about food at night. But, I have never learned. ;p )

NB: Do NOT ever compared the taste of Doner in Europe with Indonesia. It has HUGE difference in taste!


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