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Postcard #6 : Venice

For the last remembrance of Venice, I bought several postcards there. But, unfortunately - I have sent some of them BEFORE I took their pictures. :( 

So, here are the last two postcards from Venice and if you miss my older post about Venice, you could read it here

The price for each postcard is relatively cheap - around 50 cents until 1 Euro

The first postcard shows the inside part of St. Marco - and you could only buy it in the souvenir store nearby the entrance of St. Marco. 

Inside St. Marco 
The second postcard is the grand canal - the most famous view in Venice and a must see! 

Apart from these postcards, you could find MOREE postcards with beautiful scenery. 

No wonder, as I have said it before - even the most un-touched place in Venice is BEAUTIFUL. :) 


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