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A beach called Dreamland

Let's take a break in Europe and go back to Indonesia.

As you can see (perhaps), 2013 is not my travelling-year, so it is SO HARD for me to move on from the memories in Europe a year ago. But, fortunately I could visit Bali (again) 2 weeks ago and had a short trip to Dreamland, a beach located 15 minutes away from my house (but, I have never beeeeennn there!).

Honestly, I am not so into to the beach - because beach only has 1. sands, 2. saltwater, 3. sun (a very HOT one). So, yeah, when I suddenly planned to go there, I did not have a big expectation. I just, go.

And this is what Dreamland offered to entertain my eyes, my soul and my mind. Beautiful.

Dreamland, paradise in Bali :)

I am sorry that I underestimate your existence, dear Dreamland. :)

So, are you excited and want to get more information about this wonderful beach? You visit the right place!

Sands, rocks, seaweeds are best experienced with BAREFOOT :) 


Dreamland is located inside the Pecatu Indah Area in Uluwatu, Bali. From the main entrance of Pecatu Indah Area, it will takes around 5 - 10 minutes by car to Dreamland beach. However, due to recent construction (September 2013), cars/buses are not allowed to be parked near Dreamland beach. So, cars and buses should be parked in the car park and from there, you could take a free shuttle that will take you to the entrance of Dreamland beach. Unfortunately, I could not found the schedule of the shuttle, so you have to wait in front of the car park entrance and wait there - together with other fellow travelers. I believe it won't be long. And, for your information, the parking fee is Rp. 15.000,-. 

From the entrance of Dreamland beach, the beach is only few minutes away. You have to cross the aisle, where there are a lot of shops selling drinks, foods, and souvenirs. When you reach the end of the aisle, white sands, sound of waves and the sunlight are ready to welcome you :) 

Being an anti-fans of sunlight, I went looking for the shades as soon as I reach the beach. The coral walls surrounding the Dreamland beach became my number-one choice of my shelter because of its caves-looking shape. (okay, I hope you could understand my poor description about the coral walls. Ha.) 

And this is my shelter - I sat here until the sun started to lose its energy to burn my skin. Don't be surprised if you found little creatures inside the caves, but believe me - they are not harmful. :) 

An hour later, the sunlight is getting warmer and I am ready to explore the other side of the beach. 

Not far from my 'shelter', I found many objects that really caught my eyes. There are . . .

abandoned house - or an inn (?) - or locals' house (?)

rocks covered with colorful seaweeds 

a group of big white rocks - a good place for a photoshoot *wink*

a group of inns - by the sea. I would really love to stay here for a night, at least. :) 

and my favorite spot in Dreamland beach, a green-seaweed-garden ! 

It is really wonderful and one of the reason that made Dreamland more attractive than other beaches I have visitted before. 

Hours passed and the sunset is here! 

I am grateful that I went to this beach together with my photographer friend who is voluntarily become my private photographer for a day made me as a model for a day. With the help of his camera (since my pocket camera couldn't work well in the dark), I could have pictures of me with sunset! 

The sky is getting darker and it is time to say goodbye to this wonderful beach. 

And I found this on my way back and I dedicate it to YOU, my readers who are celebrating their birthday today, or at the moment you read this post. 

It is a birthday's greeting in German language. :) 

Thanks for being a reader of Traveler's Passport!

And last, but not least. Thanks to the photographer of the day and his wonderful photos.

Photographer of the day!


Unlike the famous Kuta beach, in Dreamland - or perhaps in most of beaches in Uluwatu have lots of corals and cliffs and BIG waves. If you like this kind of beach, you might also like to visit Blue Point and Padang-padang, which are also located in Uluwatu. :)


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