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All Around Europe : Budget Airlines

Another All Around Europe post! 

In the last post, I shared about my favorite food in Europe - Doner and today, I will share information about budget airlines. 

Just like Asia has Air Asia as its infamous budget airline to travel to countries in Asia, Europe also has its own budget airlines which are cost friendly and of course, saving time! 

There are a lot of budget airlines in Europe, but I will mention 4 budget airlines which I am familiar with. 

My travel besties in Europe!

I forgot how I could know about Ryan Air, but I do remember that when I heard about Ryan Air and check on their website, I found the super cheap flight ticket to Greece and ended up buying the ticket on that day!
Since that day, Ryan Air website always be the first page I opened on my computer. Haha

As far as I know, this airline always offers the cheapest price - especially when you book the ticket 2 - 3 months before the flight. It can be as cheap as 5 Euros!! So, for you who have limited time to travel around Europe, you could try to check on Ryan Air website to see their offers right now! 

However, there are some things that you should be aware of when you want to book your ticket. 

First, be careful with the additional fee.
There are lots of additional fee, from baggage, insurance, seat, etc - please make sure that you DO NOT checklist any of it - if you do not need it when you book your ticket through their website. 

Second, the airports. 
Because it is budget airlines, most of Ryan Air's flights do not use big airport instead, they are using small airports that could located hours from the city center where the public transportation is only available at 11 PM or else.

So, DO CHECK the location of your airports. Even though it is said Frankfurt-Hahn, it does not always mean that it is in Frankfurt! The airport is located 2 hours away from Frankfurt and it can only be reach by airport bus or private car. No train! And the schedule of bus is only once in 2 hours! SO, be careful with your destination's airport.

I will share more about these local airports in the next post of All Around Europe series. 


This is the MOST important thing that you should be aware of!

Ryan Air only gives ONLY ONE FREE HAND BAGGAGE with the maximum limit of 10 kg.
If you bring more than one hand baggage, for example your backpack and your shopping bag - it will be counted as TWO HAND BAGGAGE. So, make sure that you have a big enough bag where you could put all of your things and also shopping bags, handbag, etc in. Because, if you bring more than one hand baggage, there is chance that you will be fined by 50 Euros or you could not bring your baggage to the plane.

Four, EAT before boarding 

Except you have bought meals in advance. But, to save money, it's suggested that you eat first before boarding - especially if your flight will be more than 2 or 3 hours. Because on the plane, foods and drinks cost soo expensive.

The last things, keep your expectation low.

Since it is a budget airline, it will not have great facilities as great as in Emirates, Luftansa, KLM, etc. I was a bit suprised when I used Ryan Air for the first time. The flight attendants do not look too friendly nor tidy. The seat might not look too comfortable - especially for you who have long legs. The space between seat might not be big enough for you - but for me, it's wide enough. :)

There are lots of complaints directed to Ryan Air which you could find via online. There are A LOT! But, believe me - the reality is not as harsh - as bad - as poor as that. 

Another budget airlines - which is said as the part of Luftansa' family. Since it is under Luftansa, you could safely assume that this airline has a better quality compared with Ryan Air. But well, money does not lie. You have to pay more to buy ticket from Air Berlin compared with Ryan Air. 

If you want to get a special price ticket - you have to buy tickets in advance, at least 3 - 4 months before. So, you have to have a good planning on your travelling plan before buy tickets. 

If you get the cheap ticket, you have to pay attention to this : 

Check in your hand baggage even though you have done online check in.

The first time I fly with Air Berlin, I went directly to the gate since I have done online check in. The problem came when I was queueing and the officer said that I could not board the plane because my baggage did not have checked sticker on. What a surprised and I have no idea what to do.
Fortunately, the officer allowed us to enter after lots of nagging and pleading and said that "We don't know." *fiuh* But, well it does not always happen like that. So, remember to check in your hand baggage - to avoid the situation like this.

Ah, the baggage for Air Berlin is 7 kg with the same regulation as in Ryan Air. So, pack light!

For these last two budget airlines, Tui and Wizz - honestly, I have not tried neither of them so, I could not share too much information about these two airlines. I often used Tui and Wizz to compare the price of their ticket with Ryan Air.

Tui Fly often offers better deal with Ryan Air and also has more advantages than Ryan Air. Most of Tui flights used big airports which are more accessible. So, I often comparing the sum of Ryan Air tickets including the additional transportation cost to go to the airport with Tui's price. Sometimes, the difference between these two are so small - and it is more worth it to fly with Tui due to accessibility and time.

As for Wizz Air, I rarely used them for comparison but I used it to find another flight to another destination which is not available in Ryan Air.

Okay, those all the four budget airlines in Europe.

The last thing I could say if you want to travel by air - DO PLAN your travelling and be FLEXIBLE if there is a sudden change of your flight time.

Have a safe flight, travelers! 


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