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The Traveler

Welcome travelers !

It has been a while since this blog exist in this cyber-world and I guess it's time to officially introduce to all of you
 the one and only author of Traveler's Passport,
a soon-to-be-a-grown-up-woman

She loves arts,
she loves photography,
she loves movies,
she loves drama,
she loves music,
she loves eating,
she loves reading,
she loves writing,
she loves talking,
she loves games,
she loves singing, 
and of course
she loves travelling.

Her very first big travelling year was none other than 2012 - the moment when she got a chance to go to Germany and stay there for 7 months - not for holiday, but as a part of her university program. HOWEVER, 7 months lived in Europe - she couldn't just stay quietly inside her small apartment every-single-day. It is a waste! 

Days passed and finally she decided to go out - leave her small apartment - whenever she got the chance - to experience the world outside her room.

7 months passed so fast and she has to gone back, left hundred pieces of her soul in Europe and went back to her boring interesting university life. 

It took only months after when she finally decided to write every single journey she did in Europe - because the journeys were too beautiful to be forgotten and too precious to be kept alone. She wanted to share it - to let people know that our blue earth is an amazing place for us to live and it is such a waste to not be able to see the beautiful-ness of each countries in every continents while we are still breathing!

And, that was the moment when she decided to make a new travelling blog - Traveler's Passport

Just like a passport, this blog contained all of her journeys - not only in Europe, but other countries which she has ever visited. 

Through this blog, she hopes that she could encourage people to make their own journey - encourage them to get out of their comfy bed - to see how wonderful the world outside is. Also, she hopes that she will have a bigger travelling experience in the near future!

Sunrise at 4 am in Genting Highlands, Malaysia

"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home 
and rests his head on his old familiar pillow."


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